Thursday, April 21, 2011

Report: Apple to begin producing iPhone 5 in July.

Report: Apple to begin producing iPhone 5 in July The much-anticipated iPhone 5 is expected to go into production in July and likely begin shipping in September, according to a brief Reuters report this evening.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Apple Sueing Samsung for copying the look and feel of the iPhone 4 and iPad

Woah! In the world of big-time lawsuits, this must be just about the biggest. The Wall Street Journal is reporting, in a very brief note, that Apple has sued Samsung Electronics for copying "the look and feel" of its iPad tablet and iPhone smartphone. We're assuming this relatest directly to the Galaxy S, which has more than a passing resemblance to the iPhone 3G / 3GS models and the newer Galaxy Tab slates.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Apple Said to Start White IPhone Sale by End of April After 10-Month Delay

Apple Inc. will start selling a white version of its iPhone 4 in the next few weeks, following a 10-month delay, three people with knowledge of the plans said.

The new model will be available from AT&T Inc, and Verizon Wireless by the end of April, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren’t public. The release was stalled as Apple resolved manufacturing challenges, including paint that peeled under heat, one person said.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Windows 8 copying Apple?

Last October, Apple rolled out an app store for its Mac computers. It's exactly what it sounds like: an 
online store for downloading software, just like the app store on Apple's iOS mobile devices.

In the last couple of days, screenshots have leaked showing what appears to be a similar 
online app store for Microsoft's next computer operating system, Windows 8.

iPad 2 soon to be Jailbroken with Greenpois0n!

There is your proof! A tweet from "p0sixninja"


Cisco, the computer-networking giant, announced Tuesday that part of its restructuring plan will including shutting down the company’s Flip video camera division that it bought just two years ago for $590 million.

The Flip video camera had been one of the great hardware-start-up success stories of the previous decade. Conceived by a small number of engineers in an office above Gump’s department store in San Francisco, the camera went on sale in 2007 and went on to dominate the camcorder market, selling two million units in its first two years and remaining the top-selling camcorder on Amazon to this day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mozilla wants to release Firefox 5 before June 21st.

Facing ever-increasing competition from Google's Chrome and even Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla has announced that it will be moving to a more aggressive timetable for its Firefox browser, with Firefox 5 expected before June 21st. 

Firefox 4 was released just last month, after over a year of development and delays.
Android "Outselling" The Apple iPhone?

 "There's been a lot of noise recently about how Android is outselling the iPhone, but it's nothing more than a meaningless distraction from reality."

 Blodget writes that Apple investors should be "scared to death" by Android's recent 7-point gain in U.S. market share over the past three months.

            Android OS holds 33% of the U.S. market while RIM OS holds 29% and Apple iOS only 25%.

Samsung GALAXY S II will be first released in April, as planned.

Twitter : "[Notice 1/2] Samsung GALAXY S II will be first released in April, as planned.

6:01 AM Apr 7th via web 

 What do you think about this design?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Google Chrome OS for Tablets?

Details in Google's source code reveal that company programmers have begun building a tablet version of Chrome OS, its browser-based operating system.

What do you think of this? Leave a comment below!